Buy 100 Liters Industrial Tilting Pan at Best Price in Lagos

• Fully made of stainless steel both inside and outside/strong>.
• Sanitary polishing.
• Hinged lid with counterbalance system.
• Hermetic lock with synthetic rubber seal in pressure boiling pans
• Cooking valve with steam output regulated 0,5 kg/cm².
• Full internal insulation.
• Discharging tap.
• Filling valve.
• High resistance.
• Great durability.

Capacity – 100 Liters
• Fully made of stainless steel both inside and outside/strong>.
• Sanitary polishing.
• Hinged lid with counterbalance system.
• Hermetic lock with synthetic rubber seal in pressure boiling pans
• Cooking valve with steam output regulated 0,5 kg/cm².
• Full internal insulation.
• Discharging tap.
• Filling valve.
• High resistance.
• Great durability.


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